
Technology is Here to Stay.

By |2018-05-01T19:58:01+02:00Dezember 8th, 2017|Data Analysis, News, Super structure, Track Geometry|

FRACTAL ANALYSIS. GET A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING. As a result of, in particular, the dynamic loading from railway operation, settlements occur which can have a significant influence on the track geometry and which are also reflected in the related measurements. The aim of our investigations is to be able to assign a specific cause


By |2018-05-01T19:58:47+02:00Oktober 9th, 2017|BPM, Consulting, Data Analysis, EAM, Engineering, News, Process Automation|

KEEP IT SMART AND SIMPLE. Today, process automation (“PA”) has made it from a former niche theme into daily life. Users are confronted with automated processes in almost every aspect of their daily lives, such as online banking, online check-in, online ordering. Nearly every petrol station and more and more supermarkets run self-service systems.

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