


Our goal is to get a deeper understanding.

As a result of, in particular, the dynamic loading from railway operation, settlements occur which can have a significant influence on the track geometry and which are also reflected in the related measurements.

The aim of our investigations is to be able to assign a specific cause of damage to different fault patterns. A new method which can be used is the fractal analysis of the longitudinal level of a track. This method allows assigning deviations from the target measured in the track geometry to the specific wavelength ranges and through this, to be able to assign specific fault patterns in the track geometry to specific causes.

From the corresponding research results, e.g. in Austria [TU Graz, Dr. M. Landgraf (], our investigations focus on the medium-wave and long-wave areas, as derived fault patterns reflect the status of the ballast bed (medium-wave), or the status of the protective layers and the substructure (long-wave). These assumptions were confirmed between 2013 and 2015, mainly by means of comparisons with in-situ behavior, as well as by comparative measurements with ground penetrating radar.

Therefore, we use the fractal analysis as an indicator to describe the condition of the ballast bed and the substructure. In this process, we take into account the upper construction materials and assets (e.g. bridges, level crossings) in the surveyed area. Results are combined with other sources such as the GPR, drillings, soil analyzes and visual inspection to use this as a profound knowledge base.
Since the fractal analysis can also use data that has been captured several years ago, this method is ideally suited to quickly gain an overview across complete networks as well as to identify those areas, where further investigation, such as GPR and drillings are useful.



Our focus is to make friends, not just business partners. Our project SecuCode is our goal to make the world a bit more safe.

We work in many industrial sectors where safety and security are of paramount importance. In the recent explosion of the Internet of Things, the security of our customer’s data, embedded systems and processes has become a vital concern. To help address these issues, we have collaborated with world leading security solution providers to help verify that the software programs our engineers use have the highest safety and security classifications. With our biggest sectors being the Railway industry and industrial automation, the prevailing standards are ISO-9001, EN-61508, and CENELEC. All of these standards and similar norms are adding in requirements to help vendors verify the security and integrity of the data obtained from our systems and the systems of our customers. The recent press announcements of the WannaCry security loophole has intensified the concerns of the industry in this area. Fortunately, we have brought together world leading security solutions into one package, called BSH SecuCode. This solution contains advanced application scanning technology such as SourceClear, VeraCode and Trust-In-Soft, to enable our customers to perform advanced security and penetration testing. Further, we have integrated some fuzzing technology from the open source community to further add to our capabilities. We believe our solution is unique in terms of coverage, breadth and depth of various security defects and vulnerability classifications. Out of the box deployments for most major software platforms are provided, including TFS, Jenkins, TeamCity and Bamboo. In this way, we are a key enabler of continuous security within the application lifecycle. Please contact us for a trial of our solution BSH SecuCode or for pricing and deployment information.



Long-established. Carefully transformed.


Today, process automation (“PA”) has made it from a former niche theme into daily life. Users are confronted with automated processes in almost every aspect of their daily lives, such as online banking, online check-in, online ordering. Nearly every petrol station and more and more supermarkets run self-service systems. It should be allowed to raise the question whether this trend can also raise potential in other companies?
But even if various providers are constantly showing positive news about the benefits and success of PA, the negative effects of automated business processes on companies and customers are often overlooked. PA providers propagate their solutions with mantra-like arguments and promises which, focus on benefits and advantages, but some questions still remain unanswered: In which areas is process automation helpful, and, more importantly, what does it harm?

To answer these questions, the following areas should be considered:

… means the ability of an automated process to react to changed framework conditions and requirements if the structure of the implemented process remains unchanged. In doing so, the usually standardized process is only able to respond individually to known events due to its design. This is not an adaptation of the implementation, but rather a slight change in the process, which often mutates to the first weak point of such a solution.

… means the ability to modify an automated process in its structure by adapting the implemented process flow and / or changing its relationships to external processes. This should allow the process to react to new events unknown in the old process. Such strong changes in the course of operations are usually counterproductive to the cost-cutting promise.

Cost reduction
… means the ability of an automated process to reduce the cost of processing a process instance as opposed to the non-automated process, but is often limited to the transaction costs of the respective process. A cost analysis of the effects of automated business processes on the entire value-added network is not usually carried out due to the large number of influencing factors.

In PA, consulting is as demanding as the solution itself (but cheaper). The risk of overshooting a process through PA and later on no longer being able to react as flexible to individual circumstances and to structure the business processes in a more difficult way than before and to generate a remarkable cost increase through hyper complex links is a high risk and also endangers competitiveness.

Our mission is to enable the creative use of modern information technology in companies and to plan changes and to accompany their implementation. Based on our long-term experience in enterprise architecture management (EAM) and business process management (BPM), we advise national and international companies and authorities to acknowledge these risks.