
About uh-admin

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So far uh-admin has created 4 blog entries.


By |2018-05-02T08:22:55+02:00Mai 1st, 2018|BSG-Infra, Newsletter|

The following data channels are used for the evaluation of the remaining useful life: Deflection measurement - image analysis “vegetation” - results of the fractal analysis - results of the evaluation of the georadar measurements - type of sleeper – alignment - topography and information on engineering structures and installations. The analysis on the basis


By |2018-05-01T20:15:48+02:00März 16th, 2018|Newsletter|

As an extension of the evaluation of already available condition data, an image analysis based on the images acquired during individual measurement runs, such as the georadar measurements, has now been integrated. The results of the image analysis have been integrated into the main view BSG-NET1 as an additional data channel and are now part

Technology is Here to Stay.

By |2018-05-01T19:58:01+02:00Dezember 8th, 2017|Data Analysis, News, Super structure, Track Geometry|

FRACTAL ANALYSIS. GET A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING. As a result of, in particular, the dynamic loading from railway operation, settlements occur which can have a significant influence on the track geometry and which are also reflected in the related measurements. The aim of our investigations is to be able to assign a specific cause


By |2018-05-01T19:58:47+02:00Oktober 9th, 2017|BPM, Consulting, Data Analysis, EAM, Engineering, News, Process Automation|

KEEP IT SMART AND SIMPLE. Today, process automation (“PA”) has made it from a former niche theme into daily life. Users are confronted with automated processes in almost every aspect of their daily lives, such as online banking, online check-in, online ordering. Nearly every petrol station and more and more supermarkets run self-service systems.

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